Can you Chew Gum While Fasting?

Even though Intermittent Fasting is a simple dietary practice that allows you to distribute your eating and fasting patterns into separate intervals, this simple meal plan can be quite restrictive and often includes several rules and restrictions.  Intermittent fasting is more than just distributing your eating and fasting practices into separate intervals, in fact, when…

Can Intermittent Fasting Cause fatigue and Tips to Overcome Tiredness

Are you feeling fatigued, faint, or tired after starting a new Intermittent Fasting Schedule? If yes, then do not panic, you are not alone.  Intermittent fasting is the most popular dietary plan or nutritional practice among A-list celebrities and fitness communities.  This exceptional meal plan allows individuals to simply map out their eating and fasting…

Workout and Exercise During Intermittent Fasting

Wondering if starting your new intermittent fasting plan will bump you off your exercise and workout routine? If you have been researching ways to lose those pesky extra pounds on the internet you might’ve come across the term “Intermittent Fasting”.  From health experts, fitness gurus, and your favorite A-list celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum,…

Weight Loss with Cabbage Soup

Have you just come across the new cabbage soup diet that allows you to lose excess weight effectively? Losing weight can be difficult and exceptionally demotivating especially when you fall victim to bogus weight loss hacks, ineffective diet plans, and at-home remedies.  Ideally, IntemrittentFatsing, Ketogenic Diet plans, and Circadian Rhythm Diet plans are among the…

Best App for Intermittent Fasting

Are you in search of some effective apps suitable to keep track of meal plans and fasting schedules during intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is an effective meal-planning practice to facilitate weight loss that allows you to distribute your eating and fasting practices into separate intervals.  However, this fasting practice is more than just mapping your…

Coconut Oil with Coffee

Coconut oil in coffee? Yes, you read that right! As unconventional as it may sound, many people are enjoying a dollop of coconut oil in their morning joe.  If this new health-related trend of drinking coconut oil with coffee bewilders you as anyone else, keep reading.  Coffee is an unbeatable energizer for millions of people…

Does Coconut Oil Break A Fast?

When practicing fasting or meal planning with Intermittent Fasting, what you eat begins to matter more than what you do not.  Intermittent fasting is a simple meal-scheduling practice that allows you to plan your eating and fasting pattern at equal intervals.  While fasting is an integral aspect of intermittent fasting, avoiding foods rich in carbs,…

Melatonin While Fasting: Is It Safe?

Supplements like melatonin and serotonin come as a saving grace for those who struggle with sleep deprivation, but have you ever wondered if consuming sleeping supplements during an Intermittent Fast is safe or not? Intermittent fasting has come into vogue for its effective way of efficiently facilitating weight loss after being celebrated by renowned celebrities…