Coffee Sweetener for Intermittent Fasting

Losing Weight can become a daunting task for people who cannot leave behind sugary goods and fatty fast foods.  

If you are someone who is looking for ways to indulge in a nutritionally balanced diet to lose a couple of extra pounds, intermittent fasting might be the right approach for you. 

But, with a constricting and restrictive diet plan like Intermittent Fasting, saying painful goodbyes to sugary sodas, creamy coffees, and delicious fast food is imperative. 

While a plain black cup of joe may not break your intermittent fast, diluting your freshly brewed cup of coffee with additives, creamers, or sweeteners may definitely hinder your weight loss process. 

Artificial Sweeteners and coffee creamers come as a saving grace for people who cannot stand the taste of bitter black coffee. 

But adding these creamy and sugary concoctions to your morning joe will definitely break your fast during intermittent fasting. 

For coffee fanatics who enjoy a sweet sugary cup of joe, finding alternative ways to sweeten your morning cup of java can be a daunting task. 

To help you find the right way to sweeten your morning coffee that won’t break your fast, here is everything you should know about Coffee Sweeteners for Intermittent Fasting.

Are there different types of Sweeteners?

As a matter of fact, yes, there are different varieties of sweeteners in the market that may or may not break your fast during intermittent fasting. 

From naturally sourced sweeteners that leave your cup of joe tasting like nectar to artificially developed sweeteners that won’t raise your blood sugar levels, there are different types of sweeteners you can choose from. 

Here is a list of the different types of sweeteners you can add to your morning cup of joe:

Nutritive Sweeteners:

Nutritive sugars are naturally derived sugars that provide energy to the body in the form of calorie consumption. 

Table Sugar, maple syrup, honey, coconut sugar, and agave are some examples of naturally derived nutritive sugars.

Non-nutritive Sweeteners:

Non-nutritive sweeteners are sugar alternatives that have little to almost no calories and provide no nutritive value or energy. 

Non-nutritive sugars are used in food items and beverages that are marketed as zero-calorie or sugar-free as these sweeteners have higher sweetness when compared to sucrose or table sugar. 

Some examples of non-nutritive sweeteners are Stevia, Monk Fruit, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, and saccharine.

Artificial Sweeteners:

Artificial sweeteners are where things become quite complex, as these sweeteners may be the reason behind breaking your fast. 

These sweeteners have been demarcated in the FDA list and are often found in diet foods as they contain close to no calorie content. 

Aspartame is among the most common artificial sweeteners added to food and beverages which is about 200 times sweeter than table sugar. 

Allulose is another FDA-approved artificial sweetener that contains slight natural elements and is about 70% sweeter than table sugar.

Sugar Alcohols:

Unlike Artificial sweeteners and non-nutritive sweeteners, sugar alcohols are both chemically derived and naturally occurring. 

Sugar Alcohols are often found in food items that are labeled as sugar-free or low-calorie or no added sugar as these sweeteners only contain about 2 calories per serving while common table sugar contains about 4 calories per serving. 

This type of sweetener contains carbohydrates that are not fully absorbed by the body. 

Hence when consuming products containing sugar alcohols it is recommended to consume them in moderation. 

Consuming sugar alcohol out of moderation can lead to health repercussions such as gas, bloating, and intestinal issues. 

Some examples of sugar alcohols can be erythritol, maltitol, inositol, sorbitol, and xylitol.

Which sweetener can you use in coffee during intermittent fasting?

Now that you know about the different types of sweeteners available in the market, you can easily determine which you can add to your cup of java. 

Here is a list of coffee sweeteners you can add to your morning coffee if you are intermittent fasting:

1. Stevia:

Stevia also referred to as steviol glycoside is a sugar substitute that is extracted from a bush-like shrub that is a part of the sunflower family. 

It is a natural and organic substitute for sugar that has about 150 separate species native to parts of North America and South America. 

Stevia contains active compounds of glycosides that make it almost two hundred to three hundred times sweeter than common sugar and requires way less water and land to provide the same sweetness as any common sweetener. 

Along with being more effective than your table sugar, Stevia is also non-fermentable, pH-stable, and even heat-stable.  

This wonderful sugar alternative is perfect for people who are intermittent fasting as it contains zero calories, no proteins, and is not absorbed into your GI system.

Stevia is also great for intermittent fasting as it facilitates the regulation of blood sugar levels and prevents insulin resistance and also inhibits the ability to burn fats and ketosis.

2. Aspartame:

Aspartame is a non-nutritive, non-saccharide artificial sweetener that is about 200 times sweeter than common sugars or sucrose and is used as an effective sugar substitute. 

Aspartame is a form of methyl ester which is a part of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide family. 

It is commercially known as NutraSweet and Equal and is a great zero-sugar and low-calorie sweetener for most food and beverage items. 

However, this artificial coffee sweetener contains amino acids that may not break your intermittent fast but might decrease your insulin resistance.

3. Sucralose:

Sucralose is another non-nutritive sugar substitute that is used as a sugar-free alternative in foods and beverages. 

Since most of the sucralose that is consumed by individuals is not fully broken down and absorbed by the body it is referred to as noncaloric. 

Sucralose is noncaloric, it is suitable for intermittent fasting, however, it can affect one’s health significantly when consumed beyond moderation. 

While small doses of Splenda or sucralose have no effects on one’s insulin resistance or blood sugar levels, they can affect one’s gut health and negatively impact one’s glucose metabolism.

Looking for alternative ways to sweeten your coffee? Check this out:

What else can you add to your Coffee during Intermittent Fasting?

Why limit your coffee-drinking experience to mere coffee sweetener when you’re intermittent fasting?

If artificial coffee sweeteners do not suit your taste buds, do not panic, here is a list of some delicious coffee additives you can add to your cup of joe even when intermittent fasting:

1. Vanilla Extracts:

Why just add coffee sweeteners to your cup of joe when you can also add sweet vanilla to your cup of coffee? 

It is as simple as adding 1 tiny teaspoon of vanilla extract to your fresh morning cup of coffee.

2. Coconut Milk:

Coconut cream or coconut milk is the best for adding a touch of creaminess to your coffee even while intermittent fasting. 

In fact, coconut cream is a great alternative to dairy-based half-and-half giving your cup of coffee an extra boost of creamy goodness.

3. Cinnamon:

If you enjoy pumpkin spice lattes all year round, then adding cinnamon to your morning coffee will be a great way to celebrate fall even when it’s not. 

Just add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your coffee to enjoy a delectable cup of morning java.

4. Coffee Creamers for Intermittent Fasting:

Believe it or not, there are myriads of coffee creamers in the market that are suitable for intermittent fasting. 

These Coffee Creamers are low-calorie, zero-sugar, and organically sourced making them a perfect partner for your morning joe. 

Coffee Creamer brands like Nutpods, Califia Farms, and even Coffee-Mate are great additives to your morning cup of joe. 

Learn more about coffee creamers for intermittent fasting:

5. Almond Milk:

Last but definitely not least is Almond Milk which is the perfect vegan alternative for your daily cup of brew. 

However, when adding almond milk it is important to take two things into account:

  • The milk should be unsweetened and should not incorporate any artificial flavors. 
  • Secondly, it is important to notice how much almond milk you are adding to your coffee. It is recommended to add ⅓ cup of almond milk to your coffee to achieve the perfect taste and creamy consistency.