Tips to Speed Up Weight Loss on Intermittent Fasting

Are you looking for quick and easy tips to make the best of your intermittent fasting plan by speeding up your weight loss process?

Upon researching intermittent fasting on multiple websites, you would know that dietary practice is an efficient way of shedding those couple extra pounds. 

Intermittent fasting has been widely celebrated in the fitness and wellness community for not only facilitating weight loss but also promoting several other health benefits. 

In fact, intermittent fasting is known to enhance your autophagy process, boost metabolism, and improve fitness performance in individuals. 

Whether you like to schedule your intermittent fasting practices on daily bases with the 16/8 or 14/10 intermittent fasting schedules or you enjoy practices with a 5:2 intermittent fasting schedule, fasting for prolonged periods of time can become quite tiring. 

If you have been trying to relentlessly lose excess weight by practicing intermittent fasting but are unable to find visible results, do not feel defeated or demotivated. 

While intermittent fasting is among the most efficient ways of losing weight, the road to achieving visible results can be quite long and lengthy. 

If you are someone who is looking for quick and easy ways of losing extra weight by practicing intermittent fasting but doesn’t know where to begin, we’ve got your back. 

Here are some simple tips and tricks you can follow to speed up your weight loss process on intermittent fasting.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Learn more about Intermittent Fasting:
Intermittent fasting is among the hottest fitness and weight loss trend accepted by fitness gurus, nutritionists, health experts, and A-list celebrities. 

Intermittent fasting is a simple dietary plan or nutritional practice that helps individuals to distribute their eating and fasting practices into separate intervals. 

According to some nutritionists, it is an efficient way of reducing access to body fat as the individual is promoted to consume only one meal per day in the span of a few weeks. 

Among the most eating schedules of intermittent fasting is the 16:08 which includes fasting for 16 hours and eating on schedule for 8 hours.

Another common eating plan is  20/04 including 20 hours of fasting and 4 hours of regular eating, and lastly, 14:06 which includes fasting for 14 hours and eating for 6 hours.

How does Intermittent Fasting Work?

According to a study, fasting somewhere between 10 to 16 hours can help accelerate the process of visceral fat burnout in the body, where the fat stored in the cells is converted into energy, which then releases ketones into the bloodstream. This release of ketones into the bloodstream boots metabolism and facilitates weight loss. 

There are several different meal patterns or eating schedules of intermittent fasting that are based on regular time periods of eating and fasting.

You plan your fast by eating either one meal a day or two to three meals a week. 

Ideally, Intermittent fasting works by prolonging the period of time when the body has burnt excess calories consumed during the last meal. 

Is Intermittent Fasting Good for Weight Loss?

Intermittent Fasting is a great way of reducing your calorie intake while keeping your diet nutritionally balanced. 

Most people resort to this method of fasting for its benefit of reducing weight. As decline in calorie intake can lead to significant weight loss. 

The intermittent fasting process also has direct benefits to the lipid profile in the body and is directly associated with weight loss as it helps with the distribution of body fat. 

Intermittent Fasting also helps with the improvement and control of glycemic levels in the body which helps with obesity as well as type-2 diabetes.  

Furthermore, intermittent fasting helps regulate the production of a fat-burning hormone called norepinephrine. 

By fasting at regular intervals for a prolonged period of time the metabolic rate often escalates from 3.6 to about 14%.

Some Easy Tips and Tricks to Speed up Weight Loss on Intermittent Fasting:

Intermittent fasting, as effective as it may be, can be equally tiring, fatiguing, and time-consuming especially, when it comes to achieving visible results. 

The reasons for not being able to achieve desired results can be an unsuitable meal plan, inconsistency, and even demotivation. 

Simple changes in meal plans, food consumption, and changes in eating schedules can help significantly to accelerate the 

If you have just embarked on a weight loss journey by practicing intermittent fasting but are unable to achieve desired results quickly, do not sweat. 

Here is a list of some of the best quick, and easiest ways to help speed up your weight loss process on intermittent fasting:

Choose the right Intermittent Fasting Schedule:

Choosing the right intermittent fasting schedule is as important as choosing the right intermittent fasting meal plan. 

While intermittent fasting with shorter fasting intervals can be ineffective to help you achieve optimum results, schedules with longer intervals can be quite challenging, demotivating, and fatiguing due to a lack of nutrient consumption. 

A lack of nutrient consumption not only makes you feel weak and tired but also hinders muscle mass growth during the weight-loss process. 

Hence it is best to choose the right eating schedule that strikes the perfect balance for your nutritional requirements. 

Indulge in cardio:

Light cardio is not only a great way of lightening up your mood and getting some fresh air but also a simple way of burning excess calories and losing weight. 

It is recommended to walk for about 30 minutes during the fasting state to help rapidly burn glycogens. 

This is because walking is a lighter form of cardio that essentially utilizes fat cells as fuel, helping you rapidly burn off excess weight.

Change your Meal Plan:

Believe it or not, what you eat during your intermittent fasting plan matters more than what you don’t. 

Even though intermittent fasting is a restrictive and calorie-deficit diet plan, it is also nutritionally balanced

A lot of people tend to break their intermittent fasts by consuming the wrong types of foods which lead them to feel more fatigued and reverse the weight loss process. 

To maximize the benefits of intermittent fasting achieving desired results, it is recommended to consume clean foods that are right in fiber, healthy fats, and proteins. 

This is because foods that are rich in fiber, proteins, and healthy fats do not affect your insulin levels and boost your satiety levels.

Try different workouts:

It can be quite unconventional to associate resistance training and workouts with intermittent fasting. 

However, according to some studies, partaking in resistance training about three times a week helps you maintain muscle mass and lose excess weight.

Try eating early:

Lastly, planning out the right timings of breaking your fast is also a great way of quickly losing weight. 

This is because the earlier you break your fast the more you are able to burn out excess calories and you are able to lose excess weight.